Sunday, May 24, 2009

Grizzly Adams

This is the best boring TV show ever. I used to watch the re-runs on Sunday afternoons in the mid-eighties. I'd lie on the couch, a blanket pulled up over my legs. I don't remember ever making it through an episode without falling asleep. That's kind of incredible when you think about it. This show had a 100% narcotic effect on me.

Check out the intro, complete with back story and John Denver-esque folk theme song:

Anyway, I'm all for a film adaptation of this show. If I'm a studio producer, I'm green-lighting this project last year. I'd maybe want Spike Jonze to direct. I'd cast Russell Crowe as the lead. I think. Or is he too old for the part? I guess it depends on how you want to play it. He'd be the slightly older lead option. If you wanted to go younger you could go with...oh, I know...SETH ROGAN!!! That's totally it. You get Seth Rogan to play this benevolent outcast, surround him with the best in CGI forest animals, Sir Anthony Hopkins as the weird old Mountain Coot, write in some saucy love interest (like, you could have a young Hollywood starlette (played by...why not?...Lindsay Lohan) who's had enough of the rat race and runs away from it all but, of course, is followed by her evil agent, her drug dealer, her eighteen suitors...) and BANG! You've got yourself a really bizarre movie.

Are you with me?

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